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Dublin Might be Ready for Vista, But is Microsoft?

Posted in: Browsers,Marketing,Security,Technology by Richard Hearne on December 5, 2006
Internet Marketing Ireland

There was razzmatazz. There was an astronaut. And amongst countless techies and a bunch of promotion girls there was Microsoft’s biggest product launch ever. Oh yes, and I was there also.

“ready for a new day”

Well perhaps Dublin was, but I’m not so sure about Microsoft.

My day out at Croagh Park

Getting to Croagh Park isn’t the easiest of feats. I arrived after 11am and caught the end of the opening keynote. After a few minutes standing at the back my curiosity got the better of me and I headed to the demo area on the fourth floor. This was where things started to become unstuck.

The Search room

As I am moderately interested in search I headed straight for the Search room. I found a seat (not difficult because everyone else was still upstairs) and a nice MS guy offered to show me the ropes.

The first point to note was that the demo machine seemed a bit temperamental. A few glitches appeared when tabbing through applications – the screen just went dead. My guide mentioned that the demo machines weren’t up to spec for Vista (they certainly weren’t new computers).

He was a knowledgeable and talented guy, but unfortunately he couldn’t tell me if Vista’s new search function would index my web browsing. Nor could he tell me how search behaved across a network.

I do like some features of the new search interface. For instance, if you hover over a search result the related META data appears in a pop-up.

As I was early for the actual demo I went and grabbed a soggy roll and a cup of coffee.

So much attention, so little knowledge

I returned for the search demo proper and found my way to one of the few remaining clients. The demo was of a web-based reporting application that pulled data from a whole bunch of MS products. I’m still not sure how it tied in with search to be honest.

There was one Microsoft person for every four guests in the room, and I asked the nearest rep if I could pull up the application the presenter was showing on my client. After some discussion between Microsoft people I received a response in the negative – the application was running on a server and only available to the presenter. So I carried on watching.

Why demo in Windows 2003?

Strangely, the presentation appeared to be running on a Windows 2003 machine. Now I could be wrong, and it might simply have been a theme, but I still found it odd that Microsoft would promote Vista using a Server 2003 theme?

When the presentation was finished the speaker happened to walk by. I asked him if the web application was platform agnostic and he confirmed it was – it would run on Firefox and other browsers. He also gave me the URL to access the application where I sat. Pity the first couple of fellas hadn’t known that.

As the search presentation was recycling I headed away and caught about half an hour of a very animated and knowledgeable speaker on encryption and Vista’s built-in security features.

Fly me to the moon

Neil Armstrong was a very good speaker, receiving a standing ovation both on arrival and exit. He spoke extremely well and was thoroughly interesting to listen to.

I’m not sure if it’s just me (and Google hasn’t been doing me any favours recently with my tin-hat syndrome), but I felt some of his speech was debunking the debunkers. Maybe he’s just tired of all the naysayers who claim he never got any further than some desert in the US mid-west.

So was I enlightened?

I’ve got to be honest and say no. The welcome package contained two publications, one on the knowledge economy, the other an overview of the Irish case-studies profiled during the day.

I’m really quite surprised there was nothing in the pack about Vista. In fact there was nothing about any of Microsoft’s products. The two publications had a lot about benefits but absolutely no details on the products. I have to say I’m not really any the wiser apart from actually trying out the new Vista UI.

Did I miss something or was I just expecting too much? Or was Micorsoft ready for today?

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  1. I was supposed to attend this but due to my lack of using calender it totally slipped my mind.

    A friend was also at the event so I must get his run down on things.

    Did you get a copy of Vista?

    Comment by Gavin — December 6, 2006 @ 1:16 am

  2. Copy of Vista? Unless you’re referring to the soggy rolls they served at lunch, no.

    I had to blog about figments site. I couldn’t resist. I linked out to him and I think the page is worthy of a digg if you feel the urge :grin:

    Just look for ‘hotlinking css can seriuously damage your sexuality’ LOL

    BTW I fixed your wonky URI.

    Comment by Richard Hearne — December 6, 2006 @ 1:21 am

  3. Was at this conference also.
    I get what you mean.
    It was certainly a case of Hasta la Vista!
    If I hadn’t had the beta version at work I wouldn’t have got much out of this conference as I didn’t see much of it and documentation was nill.
    Best part of the day was the Intro video for Mr Neil Armstrong and of course Mr. Armstrong’s talk.

    ps. Any idea if this intro video is downloadable from anywhere? All my colleagues, including myself, are interested in getting it. It must have been the hairs standing up on teh back of our necks that did it for us.


    Comment by Belfast Child — December 8, 2006 @ 12:30 pm

  4. I have no idea about the video.

    But perhaps one of the nice people that are currently trailing the Internet looking for references to the event (yes I can see you :grin:) could point you to it if it is available.

    Comment by Richard Hearne — December 8, 2006 @ 12:44 pm

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