Flying with +Etihad Airways

Flying with +Etihad Airways. Flight from BKK delayed twice now, with latest arrival time later than connecting flight departure. Zero help from BKK ground staff. They gave us 2 250THB food coupons and told us nothing for our son, sorry.
Email updates are a joke when they include flights that can no longer connect and no message about what to do.
Serves me right for paying biz class fares I suppose (probably my last remaining vice in life – traveling with led stress).
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This post was first made on the Richard Hearne Google+ profile.
Hope all will sort itself out OK and that your soon is happy and entertained, and that you will still manage to have a good journey.
Comment by Cristina Wood — January 16, 2014 @ 9:42 pm
Damn, man. That blows, especially as you're traveling biz class. My guess would be that they'll work to get you where you're going. As to how thy'll get you there; that is a different story.
Comment by Sasch Mayer — January 17, 2014 @ 7:33 pm