Search Engine Registration

Search Engine Registration
Even in 2008 there are still some ‘Online Marketing’ firms who offer the fantastic service known as search engine registration:
This is slightly reminiscent of Omniserve’s Google Rapid Inclusion ‘process’, but at £500STG this latest one sure aint cheap.
To anyone who might be seriously interested in search engine registration I suggest you take a look at Free Search Engine Rapid Inclusion Service.
Oh, and in case anyone (God knows who still reads any of my tripe…) is interested – this might be related to a certain Bord Failte Web Check Thread post I published a few days ago.
Hi Richard, can you tell me how , a company, {}
as of today is number one for seo ireland, a site with zero content, page rank, and a handful of backlinks from one page sites which they themselves have little or no content, has google gone mad ?
Regards Derek
Comment by Derek — October 23, 2008 @ 1:16 am
Hi Derek
When I search for [seo ireland] my site appears at #1 (not something I;d usually check BTW). Maybe you’re logged into Google and getting personalised results?
But if it did rank well then at a guess I’d say it’s down to the exact match domain name – Google often places exact match domains at #1 position as many search queries are navigational – people looking for a website.
Hope this helps, and thanks for dropping by again
Comment by Richard Hearne — October 23, 2008 @ 11:51 am
Its interesting to see who still offers search engine registration as part of their services. Although I would believe some sites simply havent been updated in a while.
I’ve recently noticed appear near the top results but I am also seeing your site Richard at #1 still.
Comment by Gavin — October 24, 2008 @ 1:48 am
Hey Gavin
How goes it? Not a great keyword anyhow – I don’t see much volume on it, that’s for sure LOL
One thing I worry about, is Stephen from His site has been down for ages now (still ranks for [seo]), and even his email bounces. I do hope he’s alright.
Comment by Richard Hearne — October 25, 2008 @ 11:26 am
Not bad Richard, keeping busy as usual. I don’t think I have had a referral for that key term, not that I was trying LOL
I noticed diy-seo had vanished. I was linking to him at one point but removed it after a couple of weeks of the site being down. I thought it belonged to someone on IWF – did you know Stephen?
Comment by Gavin — October 27, 2008 @ 3:18 pm
The problem with these ‘dodgy’ SEO companies is that they only need a handfull of punters to fall for the £500 to get you listed on google scam. As with most industries a handful of cowboys give everyone else a bad name.
Comment by Jon Tiffany — November 29, 2008 @ 12:01 pm