We Clean Limited – www.dirtbusters.ie

I have been working with a great little company called ‘The Real Dirtbusters’ for the past 18 months or so. You may have seen their numerous vans around with the large Slimer logos (yep Slimer from Ghostbusters fame).
Based in Mulhuddart and run by Mick Kavanagh, Harry Mathews and Brendan Gaffney, the company provides cleaning services primarily to the construction industry. Even though you may not have heard of them, there’s a good chance you have seen their work firsthand if you were one of the 80,000 new home buyers last year. Well to be accurate, if you were 16,000 of the 80,000 or so new home buyers last year. Yep they clean about 1 in every 5 new residential builds in Ireland.
Back in January 2005 Brendan Gaffeny, who I had studied with at TCD (and climbed Kilimanjaro with), asked me to take a look at some business processes they were having problems with at the time. Having previously worked with process flow management I was happy to take a look. So started my relationship with Mick, Harry and Brendan.
Since then there have been countless changes to their business and they have developed a very successful operation that is the clear leader in their field. I reckon they have managed the business incredibly well over the last year or so. So much so that I think they will be very well positioned to increase market share in the event of any property market downturn (don’t even get me started on the Irish property market – in a word ‘crazy’).
Anyhow, they have asked me to put together a website for them, and, more importantly, perform the necessary SEO to get the site ranked for the keywords. Yesterday we went live with the first pages of the site and next week the online promotion of the site begins.
Hi Richard,
Nice piece about your work with us. sounds really good
Comment by brendan — August 12, 2006 @ 2:37 am
[...] I have been working with a company called The Real Dirtbusters, an industrial cleaning company, developing and optimising their on-line presence. [...]
Pingback by Search Engine Optimisation Ireland .:. Red Cardinal » Ireland’s Richest Companies On-Line Presence — September 19, 2006 @ 3:52 pm