Monday Round-up

Yeah, yeah – I know. Usually you get a round-up on a Friday. Well, I’ve never been one for convention (‘thinking outside the box’ I think it’s referred to).
Some Bits ‘n Bobs
So here are a few things of interest should you find yourself with a few moments to spare:
1. Jason Roe is looking for a few minutes of your time to complete a survey on co-working. If you work for yourself co-working is a great idea, so head on over and fill in his quick 2 minute survey [that's a direct link to the survey].
2. I’ve made up my mind to go to Paddy’s Valley. Well sort of. Just have to work on my schedule. If you’re wondering what the heck is Paddy’s Valley – here ya go. And Damien is hoping to get some some ideas for accommodation in Silicon Valley, so if anyone has any ideas/experience perhaps you could leave a comment over there please?
3. Alastair (aka ‘Trojan’) has come out of the closet with his new and improved Logon is a new Irish Internet Marketing company with a fantastic corporate image. I don’t know about you, but I think site and the message are both excellently defined. I think the future is going to be very bright for Logon.
4. I got a sneak preview of Blacknight’s new website – you gotta love those spoilt designs. That’s coming soon.
5. What about me (I don’t hear you say )? Well I’ll be back in Ireland for 4 weeks from June 25, so if you’re looking for an Irish Internet Marketing expert I have some windows opening up shortly so why not get in touch.
Well there’s my Monday round-up. I’m sure I’ve probably missed something in there. Anyhows, happy Monday to everyone
I’d forgotten Al was short for Alastair. Howdy Al!
Comment by Damien Mulley — June 18, 2007 @ 9:35 am
Looking forward to checking out the new Blacknight design.
Comment by Ken — June 18, 2007 @ 9:38 am
Thanks for the mention
We’re still working with Alan on finalising some of the finer details before moving onto the next stage.
Ken – never mind the design – buy hosting and lots of it
Oh wait – the new site should help you do that more easily 
Comment by Michele — June 18, 2007 @ 9:51 am
Hi Richard,
I’ll add my thanks for the mention!
It’s a relief to have the site finished, I can start interacting with the community openly without being embarassed that people might go check it out
I’ll catch up with people to introduce myself at OpenCoffee this week, I know there’s a couple of people wondering “who the hell is this guy”
Comment by Alastair McDermott — June 18, 2007 @ 1:24 pm
Hello all
@Alastair – have you seen the state of many of the websites that belong to established players? Honestly yours is a breath of fresh air. Best of fortune with the enterprise.
Best rgds to all,
Comment by Richard Hearne — June 18, 2007 @ 3:34 pm
New Blacknight mini-shot looks sexy…
Comment by Eoghan McCabe — June 18, 2007 @ 4:09 pm